Had a great summer gardening, and discovered that I could take the bottom of a celery stalk you know, the part that most people throw out…. and stick it into one component that is in the thundergro formula and mix with water and feed the stalk and it will grow another celery plant out of[…]

Living Organic Vitality Enterprises, LLC

PO Box 32 Rapid City, Michigan 49676 231 564 1411 Yes, this is a map to the Rapid City Post Office. This is THUNDERgro’s home town, and we maintain this as our corporate mailing address. Delivery service is available to our family and friends in the area!

Interview with Stephen Saunders about the THUNDERgro™ Formula

Thoughts on Life Beyond ‘Organic’ with Soil Revitalization and THUNDERgro™       Interviewer:   “We are here today with the formulator of THUNDERgro™ , Stephen Saunders of Living Organic Vitality Enterprises out of Rapid City, Michigan, to discuss the difference between THUNDERgro™ and other traditional fertilizers and nutrients. “So Tell us Stephen, WHAT IS[…]

Tips for use Outdoors

This formula will be excellent for you for both ground feeding and foliar feeding. Recommended ratio of THUNDER to water is two tablespoons for every ten gallons of water. Feed this about every three to five days in addition to regular watering. For foliar feeding, it is recommended to use a hose feed sprayer that[…]